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Mom, Mommy, Mama, Mother…

Sydney handed me a brown paper sack on Friday afternoon.  Inside was a collection of Mother’s day projects she had been working on in her first grade classroom over the course of several weeks.  I unfolded a piece of composition paper where she had written something about me with a lovely illustration of the two of us.  This is what Sydney wrote:


“The most important thing about my Mommy is that she loves to read her Bible.  She likes puppies!  BUT the most important thing about my Mommy is that she loves to read her Bible.”


Just so we’re clear, I love to read my Bible…according to Sydney.  I smiled when I read her composition, and my heart was warmed to think that, from my little six-year-old daughter’s perspective, this would be the most important thing about me.


I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love Mother’s Day.  I love it more than my birthday.  I love waking up Mother’s Day morning knowing that because of three precious little souls, who call me by a number of different names - ”Mom”…”Mommy”…”Mama”…”Mother” (often repeated numerous times with varying voice tones and inflections) - this day is for me.


I love Mother’s Day because I am reminded of my own Mom.


My mom could turn a two bedroom, concrete floored, 800 square foot condo in Kenya into home sweet home.  Her fingerprints are all over my own home today – there’s a touch of my mom everywhere I go.


My mom could turn a seemingly disastrous eyes-closed-for-my-sixth-grade-school-pictures into something to smile about and be proud of.


She has been my biggest cheerleader, confidant, mentor and friend.


And the most important thing about my mom is that she loves to read her Bible.


Down the road, when Sydney picks up her little girl from school, maybe – just maybe – she’ll open up a little gift sack with a handwritten note about her and read, “The most important thing about my mom is that she loves to read her Bible…”


Being a mom is not just about changing diapers, shuttling kids from school to sports to church and home again.  It’s not simply making sure they eat their veggies and do their homework.  Being a mom is modeling the kind of person we want our children to become.  Leading by example in everything…everything…we do.


I love being a mom.  I know I mess up a lot, but I am encouraged that the most important people in my life are discovering the most important thing in life through my life.


This may be a day too late, but I just want to wish my mom, and all my dear and amazing mom friends, a very Happy Mother’s Day!

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2 Responses to “Mom, Mommy, Mama, Mother…”

  1. Judy Hayburn says:

    Amy, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your beautiful post today. It meant so much to me. There were so many times when I felt like such a failure and I hate to think how many mistakes I made raising you and Jen. But, God has truly been faithful and He has kept His hand upon you. From the time you were two years old, you always dreamed of becoming a mother and today, you are such an incredible example of motherhood and I am so very proud of you. I love you and Jen with all of my heart! Happy Mother’s Day to you, too.

  2. sister sheri says:

    Happy Mother’s Day!

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