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The “Face”

I have a love/hate relationship with make-up.  I love it because it covers up all most of my facial flaws, and adds color so I don’t look nearly as tired as I actually feel.  I hate it because it is such a hassle to apply and remove.  If I could simply leave my house “as is” I would be perfectly happy.  However, “as is” is scary.  I know this for a fact because my children, who have no motivation for lying, have told me flat out, “Mommy, you look scary.”  So, you see, make-up, while somewhat of a chore, is a necessity.


I have a friend who very rarely wears make-up, and looks beautiful.  She has that even-tone-silky-smooth-I-want-to-hate-you-but-I-love-you-because-you-are-my-friend kind of skin.  She has truly been blessed.  Me…not so much.  Therefore, I leave my make-up free days for the weekend and my family.


I remember my mom referring to her make-up as her “face”.  She couldn’t go anywhere without putting her “face” on.  As a little girl I thought that sounded crazy.  I totally get it now.  The “face” is the identity that the world out there has come to recognize, know, and feel comfortable with.  If I were to show up to church on a Sunday morning without my face, there would probably be some concern.  Or maybe perhaps a few horrified individuals.  Like I said, I look scary.


There’s another “face” I wear.  This “face” is the person everyone out there sees every single day.  The person who says “hi” in the church foyer, or forgets to say “hi” because she’s running late to pick up one of her kids from Sunday school.  This is the “face”, or persona, that everyone around me has come to know, to some degree, and feel comfortable with (or at least, come to grips with).  To be honest, there are mornings when I wake up and I don’t particularly feel like putting my “face” on.  I’m tired.  I’m stressed.  I’ve spent most of the night worrying about my family, the future (not a very spiritual thing to do, I know…but I confess, it happens).  I get overwhelmed.  I feel lonely.  And yet, I know that if I were to walk out my door without putting on my “face” I might make a lot of people feel very uncomfortable…I might scare them.


I don’t think I’m the only woman on the planet that feels like this, even though sometimes it would appear that way.  I would imagine we all have a deep desire to be known and accepted without our make-up on.  To know that more than just our families will accept the scary two-toned skin that lies beneath the Clinique foundation.  And if we were all perfectly honest, while we so desperately want to be make-up free with each other, we, too, find it difficult to allow others to be make-up free with us.  I say this not to point a finger, but really because as God has been working in my life in the area of grace, this has been a key issue he has brought to light.  As God lavishes me with undeserved grace and mercy, I find him challenging me to do the same for others.  I haven’t always hit the nail on the head, but thankfully, God forgives and gives me a second chance.


God’s grace is sufficient for me…and it is also sufficient for you.  God’s grace poured out for, and in, me, is the grace he desires for me to pour out on others.


One powerful thing I am learning on this grace journey is that as I accept this unconditional gift and apply it to my life, the need to wear my inner “face” begins to fade away.  I don’t have anything to be ashamed of, fearful of, or embarrassed about.  I am fully known by God, and feel the freedom to be fully known by others.  It may look rough, and it may lack polish, but it’s the real thing.  It is the face without the “face”.  The face that God loves, accepts and has chosen.  And more importantly, the part of me that will ultimately reflect Jesus to others…which is truly my heart’s desire…above all else.


2 Corinthians 3:18

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

My hope…my prayer…for my face to reflect the true face of God….one day at a time…one step of grace at a time…

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One Response to “The “Face””

  1. Turkana W says:

    Great post…I just read that verse today and your prayer was my very same prayer this morning…SO WILD! We are SO soul sisters. Love you…now can you go read my post? :) It doesn’t pertain, but I need someone to leave a comment :) HAHA! Love you!

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