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I’ve had better weeks.  This was definitely not one of them.


I make mistakes.  In fact, I make a lot of mistakes.  If I were to think too long and hard on all the mistakes I’ve made this past week alone, I’m afraid I’d end up drowning in defeat.  I’ve made big ones and little ones.  Some of them I didn’t even realize were blunders until, upon further introspection, realized that I messed up bad.


I hate that I make mistakes.  I so desperately want to make the right decisions, think with a sound mind, and operate my home with sweetness and grace.  Sadly, I can’t keep up with my good intentions.  No sooner am I infused with a fresh “can do” attitude, then I’m slapped back a few steps with “what were you thinking?  What a mistake!”


Please tell me I’m not the only one who struggles with this!


Since I’m pretty certain that I am not alone when it comes to mistake making, I’m going to share with you how I deal with my mishaps and blunders.  Today’s Friday’s Free Advice: The common cure for the common mistake – forgiveness.


First, acknowledge that you’ve made a mistake.  Conviction – not shame – tugs at our hearts when we’ve acted out of our selfish nature and not the nature of God.  Accepting the conviction and realizing that we’ve done something wrong is the first step to overcoming.


Second, confess it.  Tell God what’s going on.  Get it out.  Be real.  You don’t need an M.Div. to tell God what you’re feeling or what you’re struggling with.  In your own words, tell God what’s happening.


Third, ask for forgiveness.  Once you’ve unburdened your heart with the junk going on inside of you, simply ask God to forgive.  He will.  Immediately.


And finally, let it go.


Psalm 130-11-13

For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.  As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.



I’ve had to do this a lot this week.  Thankfully, God’s grace transcends my humanity.  He knows my heart; he knows the intent is pure, but the vessel is broken.  He forgives and allows me the freedom to get up and try – over and over and over – again.


Happy Friday…make the most of your day…and don’t let your mistakes hold you back from walking in the freedom God has for you!

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3 Responses to “Friday’s Free Advice – Oops…I Did It Again!”

  1. Turkana W says:

    You are definitely not the only one. I feel the same way, so much it seems. Especially, the last 6 months. Enjoy your Friday too!

  2. Jenny says:

    What a great word today Amy!! Taking this mistake thing one step further, I also believe that in His wisdom, God allows us to make mistakes if it will bring Him glory, be an example of His faithfulness to us or someone else, to gain practice in humility, and help us to learn to depend on His grace. Wow did I get a lot of practice this week!! Thank goodness He is in control and I am just along for the ride!

  3. Kristen says:

    Love this post!

    “He knows the intent is pure, but the vessel is broken”

    So true! How sweet it is to live free in Christ!

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