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He will fight for you.

Exodus 14:14 “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

He will fight for you.

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2 Responses to “He will fight for you.”

  1. sister sheri says:

    AMY! This is wonderful! You are a natural on the screen. Your compassion and knowledge come through so strongly in your words and gestures. Thank you for this encouraging word today! A truth that we need to live by!

  2. Sherrie says:

    I watched this video this morning, and I feel like it not only was a word in due time, but a word especially for my 17 y/o nephew Brandon. Recently Brandon found out he tested positive for Melanoma on his jaw line. What looked like a mole turned out to be a very aggressive form of skin cancer. He is like the Israelite, he is terrified and afraid of the outcome. I forwarded this video to him as he has already had c good sized chunk removed from this area and is facing more surgery to eradicate the skin cells that are cancerous. He is in need a prayer, but seeing that “the Lord will fight for you” in Exodus 14: 14 is a great reminder for both him and I.
    Thanks Amy! ~ Sherrie Finch

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