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I was out and about this morning, taking Brooklyn to ballet class, running a few errands, and I could not believe how many times the weather changed in a few short hours! One minute it was raining, the next minute the sun popped out…then the wind…back to the rain…and then the sky turned blue accompanied by showers. It’s like the weather has multiple personality disorder!

Honestly, I think there are days when I can relate to today’s weather. One minute I’m crying and feeling blue, the next minute I’m filled with sunshine and happiness…then someone starts throwing a temper tantrum and it feels like a strong wind is blowing through the house…which brings us back to the tears again!

I can’t tell you how grateful I am that God is steady and consistent during my mood swings and regardless of which way the wind blows, or whether or not the sun is shining. God is faithful. Days like this are a reminder to me that I cannot rely on my own strength, or even solely on others, to raise my children and be the best wife I can be. I need God to shine the light on my path when the clouds come, hold me steady when the wind blows and cover me with His umbrella of peace when the rain begins to pour. So, if the sun is shining in this moment today, be grateful for it and enjoy it! If you are reading this and the rain is coming down and the sky is gray, remember that blue skies are just around the corner!

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One Response to “Mood Swings (From MomsConnect March 2009)”

  1. journey of faith says:

    Blue skies are what I need :D Another encouraging post, thank you!!!!

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