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Do The Monkey

As I plopped back into my chair, heart racing and completely out of breadth from doing the “Monkey, Monkey” with the Wiggles, I had an epiphany, of sorts. Who says that stay-at-home moms don’t exercise? I’ve often beat myself to a pulp over the fact that by the time I’ve successfully taken care of all the needs of my household, plus managed to squeeze in a hot shower and throw on some make-up (we don’t want to scare the children), that I haven’t chiseled out at least thirty minutes for a heart pumping workout. I haven’t “Sweat To The Oldies” or knocked a lamp to the floor and stubbed my toe kickin’ it “old school” with Billy Blanks’ “Tae Bo – Advanced Total Body Workout” in years. (And, might I just add, both of these classics I happen to own on video-cassette – well, at least the Tae Bo one for sure – which simply proves how long it has been since I’ve been in workout mode!) The guilt plagues me. I see cute little mommies run by my house pushing their only offspring around in their top-of-the-line jogging strollers and I get depressed. I suppose I could pile all three of my kids into our six-year-old Graco deluxe stroller and go for a spin, but someone might get hurt – like me. I could seriously pull something you know.

This morning Jackson, our number one Wiggles fan, dragged my mommy rear away from the computer and begged me to dance with him. So…I did. We “mashed bananas”, did the “monkey, monkey” and danced with Henry the Octopus. Once my little man’s love tank was full to overflowing from the quality time I spent with him cuttin’ loose with the Wiggles, I eased my way back into my comfy chair and that is when it hit me. I’m getting a workout every single day just keeping up with my three small “Monkey, Monkeys”! I’m climbing things – bunk beds, play structures and stairs – lifting weights (my children), and stretching almost every muscle in my body as I work my way through the house keeping it neat and orderly. I’m a workout machine!

Side note: I could seriously create my own workout video (I think they’re actually called DVD’s and Blu Ray these days). I could share all my fabulous moves with all the other stay-at-home-with-two-or-more-children mommies. I could be the next fitness guru, create and empire and retire at 40 – my…how the mind gets carried away.

Snapping back to reality…

I love being a stay-at-home mom. Even though I don’t get to don the cute workout clothes and jog around the neighborhood – inflicting envy on all the other women gazing out their front windows – I am grateful for what I do have. My workouts are small but come with big reward: Three healthy children – who keep me on the move all day long, sweatin’ with Dorothy the Dinosaur – and lots of hugs, kisses and words of encouragement when the workout is completed – “Mommy, you did it!”

And that concludes my deep thought for the day – which is perfect timing because I do believe I hear my three “personal trainers” beckoning me back for another round of “Monkey, Monkey” and “Crunchy, Munchy Honeycakes”!


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One Response to “Do The Monkey”

  1. James says:

    Way to go, Amy! Not only did you get it all setup, you made me laugh a couple times with your great post!

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