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When Syd Grows Up

Sydney: “Mommy, I want to be YOU when I grow up.”  (I know, I know…I too was overwhelmed with the “I just want to pick you up and kiss you all over” feeling when she made this momentous announcement.)

She continued her statement with a list of weekly activities: “I’m going to be a girl pastor on Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I’m going to be a gardener on Monday, Thursday and Saturday. Then on Friday’s I’ll sweep!” (For the record, I am neither a “girl pastor” nor a “gardener”. The sweeping part? That, I actually do.)

I’ve given her the job of sweeping our floors – I’m just trying to give her lots of practice for her career.

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One Response to “When Syd Grows Up”

  1. Rhonda says:

    hahahaha! Very funny! Practice makes perfect :D

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