“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1
Transitions are…
The in-between…the not 100% here, the not there yet, the balancing of the chaos and the uncertainty of where we are currently…is hard.
It sometimes feels like transition will last forever.
But thankfully, it doesn’t.
It is a stepping-stone, uncomfortable as it is.
It is part of life…cycles…seasons.
Life cycles.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately.
There is a natural rhythm – an ebb and flow – that carries us from one season of our lives to the next.
Everything has a beginning, a middle and an end.
Old seasons give way to new seasons, and the cycle continues.
Nothing stays the same forever.
Our human bodies are constantly changing and evolving through the years. I don’t look exactly the same as I did thirty years ago, or even ten years ago. I am aging. I am growing, shifting, maturing and cycling towards the next season of my life.
Our bodies operate in cycles.
Creation operates in life cycles.
Our families have life cycles.
Churches have life cycles.
Ministries have life cycles.
Careers have life cycles.
Moving from one stage to the next.
Some things have to die out, or transition, in order for growth and maturity to come.
Something always needs to die in order for something new to blossom.
Letting go.
This is part of life cycles.
This is part of healthy transition.
It is probably one of the most difficult things to do.
Whether we are letting go of someone we love or letting go of a season of life we have cherished. Eventually, we must let go.
The letting go is dreadfully painful.
The heart aches.
The transition creates chaos and we don’t like that either.
We sometimes would rather hold on to what was in order to avoid what could be because we just can’t handle the in-between.
We have to let go.
And we have to live in the tension of the in-between if we are going to experience the beauty of what comes next.
Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a season – a time – for everything.
The good, the bad, the hard, the painful, the joyful and the difficult to understand.
Mourning and sadness, joy and dancing. Life and death, planting and reaping.
We can’t escape one in order to live in another.
We have to embrace them all.
If we want to experience the full seasons, we have to walk through the barren ones.
But here’s the hope…the good news…the feel-good part of this grand story…
From beginning to the middle and all the way to the end…through it all…there is Jesus.
He orchestrates events and holds our very lives in the palms of his hands.
The goodbyes, the sudden changes, the hard-to-let-go-of moments we dread do not catch our God by surprise.
When the shaking up of transition feels too much, when we see the end of a season coming and we are grieving its loss…Jesus is there.
And you want to know something?
It’s okay to feel heavy.
It’s okay to feel weary.
It’s okay to cry and grieve.
It’s okay to stop and take a deep breath and maybe just sit in the in-between for a little while.
I’m learning to just let these cycles run their course.
I’m challenged to allow God’s master plan to unfold without my meddling.
I’m taking lots of breaks and breathing slowly as ministry, our family, the status quo of our lives are changing and evolving even as I write this note.
Transition is…
Well…it’s just plain hard.
But the beauty that is coming is truly something special.
The letting go is heavy.
But the hope of eternity and the anticipation of what is to come is comforting.
“There is a time for everything.”
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❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️, God gives the right words for the right times in every season!